• Politics

    Mahama Is Giving Ghanaian Chiefs Fan-Fool Respect - Moshake

    A string of grandiloquent promises that former President John Mahama has made to chiefs in Ghana has drawn scorn from a former executive of the Tema East constituency branch of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC).

    According to Mr. Stephen Ashitey Adjei. Alias Moshake, Mr. Mahama is only giving the chiefs false hope out of fake respect.

    “Mr. Mahama is throwing all the promises that come to mind at these same chiefs that he disrespected when he was in office as president from 2012 to 2016; what has changed? I can tell you what has changed; now he is in opposition,” Moshake wrote in a statement that has been published on social media.

    According to him, “all accompanying acts of humility and courtesies that Mr. Mahama is now showing the chiefs are also nothing but fan-fool respect.”

    Moshake who has since 2016 not forgiven Mr. Mahama for what he says is careless leadership that led to the NDC being voted into opposition explains that what made him decide to respond was the former President’s recent promise to the chief of Sefwi Wiawso. The former president promised to return the power of summons to chiefs.

    But as Moshake points out, “John Mahama knows very well that as a republic the power of judicial summons can only rest with the judiciary and not the chiefs because a republic is not a monarchy, but he is making this fake promise that he cannot fulfil even if he becomes president”.

    He added that, “it is grandiloquent and fake promises like these that will set him up to embarrass NDC again and make our party lose even the little popularity that we have left.”

    Meanwhile, the former executive member of the NDC in Tema East recalled that the failings of the former president which led to the NDC being voted out of power included his disrespect for chiefs.

    “It was this same John Mahama who appointed a visually impaired man as Minister of Chieftaincy Affairs over chiefs when in Ghanaian tradition it is forbidden for a chief to be subject to a visually impaired man. When chiefs complained, did John Mahama respect their grievance?”

    He also recalled that during his presidency Mr. Mahama often showed disrespect to chiefs by arriving to all public events late even though such lateness is regarded as taboo in Ghanaian royal culture.

    Recently, when he turned up at a function in the North late, he was booed for the same habit of lateness. However, Vice President Bawumia was heartily welcomed,” Moshake wrote.

    He added, “I want Mr. Mahama to know that he is currently only the leader of the NDC, that does not make the party his property. Some of us will not sit down and allow him destroy its image with his fan-fool respect for our chiefs.”

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