• Politics

    2024 Polls: We’ll go after anyone who incites violence – Henry Quartey

    Minister of Interior, Henry Quartey, has taken a firm stance against individuals who spread hate and fear through their online posts in the lead-up to the 2024 general elections.

    During a working visit to the Inspector General of Police, Dr. George Akuffo Dampare on Monday, April 8, Henry Quartey highlighted the importance of maintaining public safety and order.

    Addressing the rise of inflammatory content on social media, Henry Quartey highlighted the legal consequences for those who engage in such behaviour.

    He emphasized that individuals who incite violence or panic will face arrest and prosecution in accordance with the law.

    The minister urged citizens to refrain from making statements or taking actions that could disrupt public peace. While affirming the principles of free speech and association, he stressed the need for responsible communication to prevent fear and unrest in the community.

    “I know that we have passed a law in Parliament against false publications. Social media has become a space where everybody threatens everybody and says anything anyhow. As IGP, you have the powers with you. People sit in the comfort of their rooms and they threaten. Anybody who makes those remarks, we will go after you because that is what the law says.

    “Your statements and your actions should not incite the public. It must not create fear and panic in the public. Free speech, free association, free movement, but we must be guided by our statements not to create fear and panic.”

    He also acknowledged the good work done by the police service in safeguarding the security and peace of the country, promising to equip the service with the needed resources to execute their duties during the elections.

    “This is an election year, and by the grace of God, we will ensure free, fair, transparent elections before, during, and after the 2024 elections. That we will not interfere in the elections. We will allow a free, fair, and transparent election. And also, just to let you know the government will continue to retool the Police Service.

    “It means before the elections we shall do our best to give the Ghana Police Service more accoutrement to be able to discharge your duties professionally.”


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