• Politics

    Speaker’s impasse with President should be resolved amicably - Tema MCE

    The Tema Metropolitan Chief Executive, Hon. Yohane Amarh Ashitey, has called for restraint in the current debacle between the Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Alban S.K. Bagbin, and President Nana Akufo-Addo.

    In a statement posted on social media on Thursday, the Tema MCE said the impasse basically cripples governance and therefore ultimately serves the interest of no one.

    “There is a saying that, ‘when two elephants fight, it is the ground that suffers’ – this maxim is very apt for the current situation we find ourselves in, where Parliament has refused to approve the President’s nominees for Ministerial appointment’s because the Presidency has refused to receive the anti-Gay Bill for presidential assent,” the MCE wrote.

    According to him, “This is unfortunate because it is holding the whole country to ransom.” There are tensions between the presidency and Parliament over the anti-gay Bill, with a tit-for-tat revenge from the latter, putting government business on hold.

    It all started when the Presidency turned down the Bill on Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values, aka, the anti-Gay Bill, after Parliament had approved of it and forwarded it for assent into law.  

    According to the presidency, its refusal is on the basis of two injunctions that have been filed at the Supreme Court against the Bill. In retaliation, the Member of Parliament for South Dayi, Hon. Rockson Nelson Dafeamekpor, also went to the Supreme Court to secure an injunction against the vetting of Ministerial nominees that the President has submitted to Parliament.

    The debacle has left government business suspended, at least partially, with parliament appearing to be poised to reject anything from the presidency.

    “This is not healthy for our governance and even democracy; where the two arms of government take measures to frustrate one another, only potentiates an implosion,” Hon. Yohane Amarh Ashitey wrote.

    According to him, it is therefore imperative that as soon as possible, this issue is resolved so we can get government business back on track.

    ”He humbly called for compromise on the issue by the two quarrelling sides.

    “His Excellency the President is legally intelligent and a legal luminary, likewise the Rt. Hon. Speaker, both of them are highly respected and capable of resolving the issue amicably. May God watch over Ghana," Hon. Yohane Amarh Ashitey wrote.

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