• Politics

    You told us we don’t eat roads and schools but today you want us to praise you – Analyst jabs Akufo-Addo

    A political analyst has taken a swipe at President Akufo-Addo, describing him as a dishonest politician.

    Mr. Emmanuel Anti says the president has not been candid with Ghanaians.

    He noted that the president and the New Patriotic Party (NPP) during the 2016 campaign discredited the achievements of former President John Dramani Mahama in the road sector.

    He said one of the things the president and his party communicators told Ghanaians was that we don’t eat roads; hence, the touting of that achievement was unnecessary and irrelevant.

    He stated that the NPP told Ghanaians they were better managers of the economy and that the previous administration mismanaged the economy, focusing on trivial matters.

    However, the president and his people have consistently touted their achievements in the road sector and projects.

    Reacting to the president’s State of the Nation Address, he wondered why he (Akufo-Addo) was so excited about his achievement in the road sector.

    He believes that shows how insincere and deceptive the president and his party have been.

    “President Akufo-Addo and his party told us that we don’t eat roads and we don’t eat school buildings when former President John Mahama was touting his achievements.

    But today, the president is touting that he has achieved a lot in these sectors.

    “However, the bottom line is that Ghanaians are aware of the difficulties and crisis they are going through. They know the cost of electricity and water tariffs. The struggles Ghanaians are going through have proven that the SONA delivered by the president is not a true reflection of our situation.”

    He also slammed the president for failing to allow the vice president to use his so-called economic wizardry to help transform the economy.

    The vice president had told Ghanaians he was just a driver’s mate and could not be blamed for the country’s challenges.

    He claimed his role was just an advisory one; therefore, he did not have the final say on decisions.

    The President of the SONA affirmed this position, extracting his vice president from any wrongdoing and accepting blame for our economic crisis.

    This, he opined, proved the president had failed in discharging his duties and ought to be removed if he did not resign voluntarily.

    Source: rainbowradioonline.com

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